donderdag 2 september 2010

NOTD: Nfu.Oh 52

Hello everybody!

My NOTD is Nfu.Oh 52. I wore this as my "back to school" colour.
I think my camera and Nfu.Oh hate eachother, because I never seem to get the colour accurate on the picture. In the pictures it looks like a bright blue with green flakies, which it is in some lighting, but most of the time it's a darker blue colour. It's really very pretty!

My crooked pinky, and my sad nail on my middlefinger! :P

With flash

Bottle pic

Since school started again, I have less time to take pictures and stuff, but I will try to have a blogpost once a day. I don't know if I can make it, but I can at least try, right? ;)
For anyone who's interested, I'm in my second year of studying Accountancy!

Thanks for reading :)
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