Posts tonen met het label topcoat. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label topcoat. Alle posts tonen

vrijdag 21 januari 2011

Latest eBay purchase: INM out the door!

Hello everybody!

Jaa, ik weet wat jullie nu aan het denken zijn... "Is dit de blogpost voor vandaag?!!" En (jammer genoeg) dit is inderdaad de post voor vandaag. Ik heb vandaag 2 belangrijke tentamens (ik schrijf deze post op donderdag trouwens :P) en ik ben echt heel erg in de stress! Mijn vingers zien er niet uit en ik heb ook even geen zin om mijn nagellak elke dag te veranderen. Ook al wilde ik dat wel doen vandaag, ik wilde het heel, heel erg graag doen... Maar dat zou dan gewoon SOG zijn! (Studie ontwijkend gedrag, haha!)

I know what you are thinking... "Is this the post for today?!!". And (sadly) it is. I'm having two important exams today (I'm writing this on thuesday btw :P) and I'm really stressed out so my fingers are starting to look like crap and I didn't feel like changing my nails everyday. Although I wanted to do them today... I really... really wanted to... But that would just be an excuse to not have to study haha!

Dus ik ga jullie gewoon even mijn laatste aankoopje laten zien van eBay: Een enorme fles INM Out the Door topcoat! Moet je kijken hoe groot hij is in vergelijking met het normale flesje! Het kleine flesje is bijna op en de topcoat is ook heel erg dik en irritant aan het worden. Ja, ik moet nog steeds een nagellak verdunner aanschaffen...
Ik heb deze gekocht voor ongeveer 14 euro inclusief shipping!

So I'm just going to show you my latest buy from eBay: A huge bottle of INM Out the Door topcoat! Just look how big it is in comparison with the regular bottle! The small bottle is running empty and is getting really thick and just annoying to work with. Yes, I still need a nailpolish thinner...
I bought this for around 14 euros including shipping!

Dat was het voor vandaag, bedankt voor het kijken en voor jullie geduld! ;)
That's it for today, thanks for stopping by and for your patience with me ;)

donderdag 25 november 2010

Busy and search for the perfect topcoat

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry I'm not really active anymore. I'm really busy with school, I'm trying to catch up with my homework, exams are coming up, presentations... Everything. My time management still sucks so everything piled up and now I'm in the middle of a big mess of work... I hope you all will understand! :)

I also have a question for you. I'm searching for the perfect topcoat. I like Seche Vite, but I don't have the thinner so it's a thick groopy polish in my collection at this moment. Also sometimes Seche gave me shringage, and I don't want to look like I have tipwear when I just did my mani!
I also tried the regular OPI one, I liked it, but also, it became kind off thick after a while. (I know, I am ashamed that I don't have any nailpolish thinner in my possession!)

I really liked the consistensy of the Mosaic topcoat, but it took forever to dry. Currently I'm using INM Out the Door topcoat, which is also very thin and nice to apply. But to me, it isn't really "out the door". It dries to the touch in no time, but to fully dry, it takes me about an hour. Is it just me? Do I apply too much? I usually put on 1 (fairly large...) drop.

So my question is, what is your absolute favorite topcoat and why?
Thanks for stopping by! :)

zaterdag 18 september 2010

Review: Mosaic Brilliant Topcoat

Hello everybody!

Remember the Topcoat I ordered with the Nfu.Oh Package? Today it's time for the review! I used it with every manicure since I received it.

The bottle. Looks the same as the Seche Vite bottle :p Nothing special here.

My results after 5 days... I applied this polish (space cadet :D) on monday evening, and I took the pictures on friday evening.
I worked 2 0f these 5 days. For my job I need to open a lot of boxes, and I admit, I do use my nails as tools. I know, I'm bad, but it's so handy!
Also, I always apply topcoat when the polish is dry. It's just my routine. I will do one hand with polish, then the other hand, and then I will apply topcoat. So most of the time, the polish is already dry.

Left hand:

Nothing too bad on my left hand. Minor tipwear, nothing big.

Right hand:

My right hand is slightly worse, but when I think about it, it just makes sense. I use my right hand a lot more than my left hand. Basically, I can't do anything with my left hand haha.

So, it lasts quite good for me!
Also, it applies easily. It's a really thin topcoat, like water. This makes it easy ánd tricky to apply. When you have a little too much on the brush, it would just drip off your brush onto your hands and/or working area. But if you're careful, this shouldn't be a problem.

Now drying time.. It dries to the touch fairly quickly. When I'm done doing my right hand, the polish on my left hand is already dry. Almost sounds perfect right?
But, here it comes, I found one big problem with this topcoat. It takes FOREVER to dry completely. It wouldn't be the first time that I decide to go to the toilet of whatever, when it's been around an hour or so after I applied to topcoat. And what happened?
The nailpolish got dented, wrinkly, half of it was gone... For me, this never happened to me before this topcoat...

This could've been my favorite topcoat, if it weren't for the drying time. They also have a quick dry one, maybe that one's better? Hmm..

That's it for my review, let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for reading! :)
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